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It's Our 2nd Birthday!

It's Our 2nd Birthday!

Hello everyone! We are officially 2 years old on the 1st of June 2020 and we can't say Thank You enough to all of our wonderful customers who've helped us grow and become established in the baking communities around Australia, New Zealand and right around the world! Read on to see our Birthday promotion running in June!

To celebrate and share the love, we are running a competition right throughout June...what do I need to do you might ask? Well, easy...

1) Visit our website (you're already here if you're reading this!),

2) Join our awesome rewards program (button at the lower right side of your screen) where you can earn loyalty points with ever $ spent and receive credit vouchers in return,

3) Place an order in June and you'll be automatically entered into our lucky dip prize for 1 of 2 chances to receive a $100 gift pack of any store items excluding custom designs! Please note, if you place multiple orders, you will be entered multiple times so you have more chances of winning the more orders you place in June!

*1 Prize winners will be notified directly as well as posts on Instagram and Facebook,

*2 Two (2) giveaways will be chosen at random. The first on 16th June, the second on the 1st July,

*3 Total prize value of each giveaway is $100 including shipping. Credit will not be given if the prize items selected by the winner adds up to less than $100 including shipping.

We wish you luck!

What else is new at Cookie Cutter Store? 

Well as you may be aware we have our Rewards program that is super popular. When you sign up you receive 5 bonus points. You also earn 1 point for every $1 spent. When you accrue 100 points ($100) you receive a voucher for $10 to spend in store! How cool is that?

Afterpay is available as a payment option at the checkout, along with PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and more.

Our range is growing all the time and we are trying to keep up with all the ideas you are throwing at us. We are currently working on a new Father's Day range so stay posted on Instagram and Facebook when we launch them.

Our customers love our products and we are so happy to see so many come back again and again. So many of you have given us wonderful feedback about the quality, strength, look and feel of our products. We have a unique design that is tried and tested to give repeatable quality as well as super sharp cutting edges, which is usually a problem with some plastic cutters.

Free Shipping is available in Australia on orders of $100.

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Rhonda Allen - July 15, 2020

Congratulations and Happy 2nd Birthday to the team

Quality and design of your cutters are superb, highly recommend your business to all cookie lovers like me !!
Cheers Ronnie
Cake Creations By Ronnie

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