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February News | Easter OFFER | New Easter Designs & Bundle Packs | Fun Cookie Cutters

February News | Easter OFFER | New Easter Designs & Bundle Packs | Fun Cookie Cutters

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Easter OFFER | New Easter Designs | New Bundle Packs | Fun Cookie Cutters

We've been busy designing and optimising new products to help make great looking cookies for Easter and more. Read on to see some of our newest designs, or visit our website. You'll also see a new section with a range of "Bundle Packs" that is tailored to Easter and includes a range of cutters, stamps, paints, brushes, sprinkles and more to get you started or top up your supplies! Also, for you, our subscribers, we have an offer too and it's easy to get!

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Easter Packs

We've put together a range of our own products; cutters, stamps, raised stamps as well as a mix of Sweet Sticks, Colour Mill, Sprinkles, Silicone Moulds, Rolling Pin and mini Turntable to offer a great value pack for beginners and experienced bakers alike. The 3 packs available are Easter themed with our latest designs and we will have more packs for later themes. Let us know if you have any feedback on products and content for the future!

Have a look at our pack page here, best viewed on a computer

We've put together a range of our own design products; cutters, stamps, raised stamps as well as a mix of Sweet Sticks, Colour Mill, Sprinkles and tools to offer a great value pack for beginners and experienced bakers alike. The 3 packs available are Easter themed with our latest designs and we will be bring out more for future events. Let us know if you have any feedback, or already have an item and want to swap it out!Have a look at our pack page here, best viewed on a computer

Pack 3 is shown here with a selection of cutters, stamps, and raised stamps from us. 

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New Easter Products

In addition to our hugely popular range from last year which includes the hot cross bun, bunny and egg drip cutters and stamps, we have over 60 products in our Easter collection which includes cutters, stamps and raised stamps! This past month we've added quite a few designs with some that would be perfect for some PYO fun! In addition to these we've got some brand Easter themed paints from Sweet Sticks, Sprinkles from Sprinks and an Easter silicone mould.

Easter Wishes Bunny Kisses cookie cutter stamp, Cookie Cutter StoreRabbit floral design cookie cutter and stamp, cookie cutter store

Hoppy Easter Cookie cutter and stamp, cookie cutter storeEaster Basket Cookie Cutter & Stamp, Cookie Cutter Store

"Dear Easter Bunny, Drink, Treat or Carrot" Cookie Stamp, Cookie Cutter StoreHappy Easter Bunny Sign Cookie Cutter and Stamp, Cookie Cutter Store

Easter cookie cutters & Emboss stamps, cookie cutter storeEaster cookie cutters & Emboss stamps, cookie cutter store

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Some people don't realise that we are a small family business and that buying from us means you are supporting a small local family. We greatly appreciate you. We try really hard to offer high quality products, that last time after time, giving you great results at reasonable prices. If you order before 2pm weekdays, we often manage to ship it the same day! Our post collection comes at 2.30pm!

Saying that, we'd love your reviews so that even more people can find us. You can write a review on our website, or better still, you can write a review on our Google store by following the link here Once you've done that, send us a screen shot and we will send you a $5 voucher to use next time you order from us!

Additionally, we have a discount just for you and for the remainder of February only, worth 10% across our Easter Range with the codeword EasterSubs. Everything in our Easter range is included except the Easter Packs with are already bundled discount of 10-25% off the individual prices! Free shipping still applies for orders over $150 and you can combine orders made at

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 Where is our Kids themed range? 

As you may already know by now, all of our characters from Bluey and Peppa, Superheroes, Star Wars, Disney, LOL, Minecraft, Thomas and more have all moved over to our new website at Fun Cookie Cutters

Although the name and website is different, they still come from the same place, machines and team! Here are some points to note:

1) As per Cookie Cutter Store, we offer the same shipping options, pick up and Free Shipping offer when you spend $150 or more.

2) We accept Credit Cards, PayPal and AfterPay and Zip on Cookie Cutter Store

3) If you'd like to order from Cookie Cutter Store at the same time e.g. from our other collections, bags, fondants, boxes, paints etc, please use the code BUNDLE in the Cookie Cutter Store checkout and reference your Fun Cookie Cutters order number for us to match it to, then you won't pay shipping twice!

4) Share Share and Share some more! Follow us on social media, tell other's about us when you see questions from people in groups asking where to get certain things! We are running a monthly giveaway for new subscribers too - this is our first month!



If you're stuck, you can always call us Marie: 0414 661 490, or Paul 0400 440 166

If you can't find what you need and have searched, just ask and we can help, or add it to our development pipeline. If you see any bugs, or improvements for us to look at, please help us make it a better experience - we've tried to make it simple and clean!

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Good bye for now and Happy February!

Thanks for continuing to support us and read our newsletter. Please give us any feedback you have and what really helps us is if you can follow us on both CCS and FCC social media accounts, post your and tag us in your work and write a review from your experience - they help us and help our customers.

So from us, Marie, Paul, Sree, Natalia & Leo, as always, Thanks for reading this and supporting our family business!

Cookie Cutter Store friendly photo of the team 

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