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January News | Kids range | Australian Animals | Valentines & Easter Products!

January News | Kids range | Australian Animals | Valentines & Easter Products!

Cookie Cutter Store Logo


Our kids range - where to shop | New Australian Animals | New Valentines & Easter Products and More!

If we haven't spoken to you already this year, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022 and we hope you have made it through unscathed. Other than the 3 days between the public holidays, we thought we were having an 11 day break, but no not at all. Due to demand, we needed to get in to work so that we could have everything ready to pick up or ship on the first day back.

In addition to that, we built and launched a new website dedicated solely to our large and popular kids themed range. With a new logo and website, that's the only difference with the same building, machines and team designing, making and shipping the products. The name is Fun Cookie Cutters! The link is at the end, along with a welcoming discount code, so please read on and check us out and give us some feedback on the website as we are still developing and tuning how it looks and works.

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 What's coming up?

The start of the year is always hectic for us all. We typically spend December and early January refreshing a number of our collections. Starting with Australia Day, rolling straight into Valentine's Day and then a short break before we get into Easter. In between all that, we are celebrating Births & Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Weddings, Baptisms, Chinese New Year and so much more! Have a look below at just a few of the new products in each of these collections.

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Australia Day

Along with our usual popular items of all things Australian, including our Australia map and southern cross, Vegemite jar, Gum Nut leaves and more, we have released a brand new cute Aussie animal set - see below! Have a look at our collection as we've named all the animals too!

Australian Animal Collection, Fun Cookie Cutters

Cody the Cockatoo, Kyle the Kangaroo, Kate the Koala, Ethyl the Emu, Darcy the Dingo, Peter the Platypus, Edna the Echidna and not shown is Kylie the Kookaburra


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Valentine's Day

We have around 70 products in our Valentine collection which includes cutters, stamps and raised stamps! See below some of our favourites that were made last year by the extremely talented Lauren @for_the_love_of_sugar_au as well as some new designs we've released for 2022.


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Easter Sunday is April 17th 2022

We're going to be 4 years old at Easter this year and we've amassed quite a collection. We've added some new designs already with more coming in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled. Below are just a few new ones but click here to see our range.


Bunny Boy & Bunny Girl                         Raised Valentines Range

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Where is our Kids themed range? And our offer!

Despair no more! All our characters from Bluey and Peppa, Superheroes, Star Wars, Disney, LOL, Minecraft, Thomas and more have all moved over to our new website at Fun Cookie Cutters

Although the name and website is different, they still come from the same building, machines and team! We are currently offering subscribers a 10% discount store wide with the coupon code WelcomeToFCC Here are some points to note:

1) As per Cookie Cutter Store, we offer the same shipping options, pick up and Free Shipping offer when you spend $150 or more.

2) We accept Credit Cards, PayPal and AfterPay and Zip on Cookie Cutter Store

3) If you'd like to order from Cookie Cutter Store at the same time e.g. from our other collections, bags, fondants, boxes, paints etc, please use the code BUNDLE in the Cookie Cutter Store checkout and reference your Fun Cookie Cutters order number for us to match it to, then you won't pay shipping twice!

4) Share Share and Share some more! Follow us on social media, tell other's about us when you see questions from people in groups asking where to get certain things! We are running a monthly giveaway for new subscribers too - this is our first month!



If you're stuck, you can always call us Marie: 0414 661 490, or Paul 0400 440 166

The website is work in progress and we are still adding more products over the month. If you can't find what you need and have searched, just ask and we can help, or add it. If you see any bugs, or improvements for us to look at, please help us make it a better experience - we've tried to make it simple and clean!

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Good bye for now and Happy January

Thanks for continuing to support us and read our newsletter. Please give us any feedback you have and what really helps us is if you can follow us on both CCS and FCC social media accounts, post your and tag us in your work and write a review from your experience - they help us and help our customers.

So from us, Marie, Paul, Sree, Natalia & Leo, as always, stay safe and have a great January! Thanks for reading this and supporting our family business!

Cookie Cutter Store friendly photo of the team 

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Previous article 15 types of cookies for your partner this Valentine’s Day; Guaranteed to make their heart flutter
Next article December News, Gift Cards, Christmas Closure Dates and More New Products!

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